Corporate Yoga
For every $1 invested in workplace wellness, a company can expect $3 in cost savings or benefits. (U. of Michigan Research Centre)
Employees who report a high degree of stress in their lives miss twice as many work days as employees who report a low degree of stress. (Conference Board of Canada)
Your employees will benefit from corporate yoga through stress relief, strengthening, flexibility and reduced job injuries, as well as improved memory, focus, creativity and energy. Employers will find increased productivity, decreased health care premiums, higher job satisfaction among employees, and you'll also be more attractive to potential employees seeking employment with your company. Yoga wellness programs typically provide a ROI in terms of improved efficiency, effectiveness and lower absenteeism. And they build team spirit and community by bringing people together in a stress reducing and encouraging environment.
We can work with companies of any size and with any budget in a variety of ways. The following list is not exhaustive; if you can dream something up, we can make it happen!
Boardroom Yoga - Perfect for companies without a lot of space. This is a more gentle style of yoga practiced in a chair. Participants are encouraged to wear comfortable clothing, but it is not a requirement.
Corporate Yoga - For companies with a gym, cafeteria, or large open area to accommodate yoga mats. Participants should wear yoga clothes and bring a water bottle.
Specialized Yoga - Yoga & Reiki options for Inpatient or Outpatient Recovery Programs, Senior Centers, Correctional Facilities, Adolescent Group Homes, Sports Camps, etc.
Workshops & Presentations - Focused on Meditation, Chair Yoga for a larger group, or the topic of your choice. Contact us to discuss pricing.
Private Yoga Coaching - For executives, management, and team members.
Retreats & Events - Check our availability for Lunch and Learns, Happy Hours, Multi-Day Seminars, and Corporate Retreats.
Yoga on the Road - A teacher can travel with our clients for short periods as a Personal Yoga Instructor, fees negotiated.
All solutions are fully customized for your business, organization, or school. Classes can be as short as 30 minutes and as long as you like. We recommend yoga twice per week for the most benefit, but offer various packages to fit your needs. Employees will learn yoga poses and rhythmic breathing as well as deep relations techniques before or after work, or during their lunch hour. Our yoga teachers are all 200-hour certified, registered with Yoga Alliance, and insured, and trained in CPR and First Aid. We will bring mats, blocks, and music to minimize the effort required on your company's part. If buying mats for your team is something you'd like to do, we can help with getting mats at a wholesale rate.
Package rates are available in two formats:
Pay in Advance (Monthly Payment)
This is the best option for organizations that wish to set up a regular yoga class for their team as there is a contract to sign. Discounts are available for 3, 6, and 12 month packages when yoga is offered at least once per week.
(1) 60-minute class with up to 15 participants: $125/class
(1) 60-minute class with 16-50 participants: $200/class
Pay as You Go
This is the best option for the occasional yoga class or small company. There is no commitment for ongoing classes and there is no requirement for a minimum number of participants.
(1) 60-minute class: $150
Contact Us to schedule a free consultation to determine the best options for your business, athletic group, organization, or school.
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